Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thanks all and here's to the new year!

Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement. It really helps to know that you can reach out and some one will take your hand for awhile and help you through.

Well, I take each day at a time and it seems the funny stuff is really funny and I laugh really hard and the sad stuff is just respected for what it is. Sad stuff or stressfull stuff has lost it's sting and I now look at it with as little emotion as possible except to respect the situation and do the best to deal with it. If that is what they call putting up a wall then so be it but getting depressed or making myself sick over things I cannot control is not going to help any one especially me.

Here are my plans for the future....!

I want to go to Irland and kiss the best looking guy there.

I will get into a size 9 by dancing every day and laughing until it hurts.

I want to ride horses again and play the french horn again.

I will write one letter a month until I have written every person I hold dear to let them know I love them.

I want to be the best Grandma in the world.

I am going to volunteer at the hospital to hold babies and children who are sick and who's parents can't be there.

I want to fall asleep in the arms of my daughters every once and awhile.

I want to pray like it may be my last prayer.

And....I want to make 3 people smile every day.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Take each day like it's your last

Hello and sorry for not blogging sooner, lots going on here.

My hero, the love of my life, my sweet Dad has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and has been given maybe a year, if chemo and radiation works, less if it does not.

He also has diabetes and this has caused problems with that and I now have to give him insulin shots. I spend most of my days getting him his medicine, food, shots, and getting him to his radiation treatments each day and Dr and lab appts.

My mom bless her heart is hanging in there and also doing all she can, I worry about her because she has high blood pressure and it's tough for her to watch her sweetheart get ill.

I am so glad I am here and able to help, financially I am screwed but ya know....to hell with it. I'd rather spend time with my Dad now that he needs me and I have faith that all will work out.

I watch my Dad each day reflecting on his life and wanting to do better with the time he has left, it kind of reminds me of that song "you should live like you were dying". He stops and talks to little children, he says hello to everyone he sees, he watches more sunrises and gives everyone hugs. I wonder and watch and think that I should be doing the same and not wait for the end to enjoy and make a difference in this world.

Some days I just want to keep my head in my pillow and cry and cry till it doesn't hurt any more but then I remember that it isn't about me, it's about making my Dad comfortable and making his every day a brighter day.

So family and friends, I love you all truly and whole heartily believe that. I want to give you all a big huge, I want to be there for you when you need someone, I'd take a pie in the face if it will put a smile on yours, if I had it all I'd give it all to you. Watch the sunrises in your life and listen to the old guys and play with the little guys.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Here we are and aren't we a scarry bunch!

I was a corpse bride...spooky

Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh the wonderful world of computer problems

So about four days ago I went to log onto the internet and couldn't, then after multiple calls to the verizon tech support I was told that my v-card was not responding and that I would need a new one....and OF COURSE the warranty expired last month...go figure. So I had to buy another one which extended the contract out another year OF COURSE. So finally I am back into the swing of things....they do have a rebate offer but OF COURSE it is going to take upto six weeks to get it back.

On another note, I am so excited it it is almost Thanksgiving and I'll get to see family and have lots of laughs and hugs.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

November, what a great month!

O.k. so the holiday season is here, and the best part is seeing family and friends.

I feel like so much has happened these past week or two that there just isn't enough space to write about it all. Suffice to say the only thing constant is change.

I am yet again re-grouping, re-dedicating, re-vamping, re-organizing, and re-winding.

I wish someone would tell me what I'm supposed to be when I grow up!

A cool fall wind has begun to blow down here, the tall grass has all turned yellow, the mountains are a deep set blue, the mesquite trees are all loosing their leaves and look like upside down roots. It's time to get ready for winter and pull my sweaters forward and t-shirts backwards, find all my woolly warm socks, and plug in the electric blankets.

Now if only I could find me a tall handsome prince to snuggle up with and drink hot coco.

I love you all and hope everyone is well and happy.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Must be in the wind!

O.k. so, we are quarantined out here, Winter is sick, Aydin is getting sick, my brothers kids are all sick, Ala feels sick and me,,,,I'm just keepin my fingers crossed that I don't get a hold of anything. Talk about cabin fever! We sit in the house all day watching kid shows and running to the bathroom and passin out the cold medicine. I AM IN DESPERATE NEED OF ADULT CONVERSATION!! I think Dora the Explorer is stalking me, GAbba Gabba is bent on driving me insane, and I think I'm starting to have a crush on Spong Bob, with his spunky little can do attitude....see there I go again thinking about his cute little square head. The weather is getting cooler and the wind is blowing a little more so not so many critters scuttering about, that is except the havalinas, we are seeing them allot more. Any who,,,,hopefully everyone will get better and I can get out and save what's left of my sanity.

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Childhood Heaven

Heaven is a sycamore tree in the middle of a wash with an old swing rope, it’s running with my sister bare foot in cut off shorts and the suns shining warm rays on the bridge of my nose and top of my lip, it’s the sound of laughter tickling the air and the warm breeze bending the tall yellow grass and slapping the giant sycamore leaves, it’s the cackle of the chickens and a black and white dog barking at a skinny little red haired boy on the hill. It is the smell of old black walnut trees, sun licked river rocks, and pinto beans cooking slowly on the stove that come from a faded green A Frame house on a drift of wind. It’s tree lizards, cow tanks, water snakes, my father’s old Pontiac on blocks, a brick fire place, a big grey cat named Thomas, Mom and Dad dancing in the kitchen, and knowing that each day will be the same.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Weekend re-cap and projects

So another wonderful weekend with Kalia and Koa coming to visit us. General Conference was so cool, it was one of those that you hung on their every word. It was really inspiring I swear I cried like 20 times...I just need to remember not to wear makeup on Conference weekends because it's just a waste. So my overall impression was that times are hard and getting harder and that we do not need to feel we are alone and that we are strong enough to overcome and to be a happy productive person no matter what and to always, always, remember to say your prayers and ask the Lord for help always.....O.K. so this isn't new and I know I should be doing this every day but sometimes life just gets distracting and I forget to really practice this and think I'm smart enough to figure it out on my own without asking the Lord if this is what he wants me to do and for the help I need. I guess this is one reason why we have Conferences, so that we are reminded that Heavenly Father loves us and remember what it is we should be doing.

O.k., so my project this week is to get started on the house trim. 1st I have to scrap off all of the old trim with a wire brush, 2nd brush primer on, and 3rd paint. The weather has been allot cooler so it shouldn't be too hot and miserable. And, I'm going to make a quilt, Kalia dropped off the material so I'll get started today. O.k., two projects.....yea for me!

Happy, happy! Love all of you!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Can you guess!!!???

O.k., sss0000,,,,what has yellow, black and white stripes.....about 4 feet long......beeedddyyy black eyes.....and a long forked tongue....???????


Teeth chattering, nerve racking, heart pounding.....Winter screamed and said snake on the PORCH GRANDMMMMAAAAAAA!!! I thought she probably was talking about a catapillar or a worm,,,,so I look down and see two black eyes and and vibrating tounge with it's head inside the corner of my door!!!! Girls you never saw a door slam faster in your life! Winter is screaming, the dog is barking and I'm heading out the back door with my snake killin shovel!!!! I was in the "I'm gonna kill the varmit from hell mentality" so we wrestled on the front porch for a while. Luckily it was a green racer and not a rattle snake....they kill rattlers and they kill all sorts of spiders and bugs and stuff so I called it a truce and left it alone.

Needless the door is staying closed today.....Just another great adventure from the wild kingdom down south. Has anyone seen my crockadile Dundee hat and my Raiders of the Lost Ark whip I might be needing them soon.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Kalia is a Fart,,,but a good one!

O.k. so Kalia calls and tells me she is on her way to Scottsdale for work and wanted to visit with me while she drives....next thing I know the Fart is pulling up to my house! She got Ala good to when she got home so we stayed up late, ate good stuff, laughed and I went to sleep with a smile on my face. Now Kalia is on the couch playing with Winter and they are just cracking me up. What a great surprise having her here for the next couple of days. Wanani....where are you???? we miss you and your never-ending laugh! Naw, we know you are working hard at school making it big so you can take care of us all.....hahhahaha,,,just kidding! So today we are going into the big town of Sierra Vista to pick up Ala and go to dinner and hey, take the town by storm...in a Grandma, Mom, Auntie and Kids kinda way! Life is beautiful and I'm glade to be a dirt speck in it!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello World!

Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day! Well the sky is clear and the sea is calm (in surfer mentality talk). I got a good nights sleep and am feeling my old self again. So look out! So what should I do today??? build a rocket ship....solve world peace...dye my hair pink....howl with the coyotes....search for a lost civilization.....or brush Winters hair, tickle her belly and make grilled cheese sandwiches ....yea that sounds like the best thing to do.

Well I found not one but two books to read.....the fourth book in the House of Knight series "Untamed".. and "All these things shall give thee experience" by Neal A. Maxwell. Both are great books.

Did I tell you all that I LOVE old movies....last night I watched the old "Some Like It Hot" black and white movie with Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and, Jack Lemmon....Oh my gosh it was soooooooo funny! Jack Lemmon is a hoot! What are some of your most favorite old movies?

Well off to make lunch and take some Lemon Cookies up to Great Grandmas house that Winter and I made yesterday....life is beautiful all, just hang in there and know you all deserve the best.

Here is a fun little clip for ya!

Friday, September 19, 2008

O.k.,,Re-Cap from yesterday!

O.k, so after blogging yesterday I decided to get up and make the most of my day...then I looked out and noticed a snake in my front yard...so keeping my cool I called my brother (our official snake wrangler) to come down with his home made snake wrangling gear. Then I went out to keep an eye on the snake until he got here....I know...I know not the brightest crayon in the box right.....well I'm out there trying to keep the thing in sight when it up an decided to charge at me.....Oh Hell to the NO!....so I'm out there kicking up rocks running backward and screaming....well in about 3 seconds I had multiple heart attacks and then finally the fight, flight or crap your pants kicked into gear and I jumped out of the way...the demon from hell slithered down the hill so Lane never got his chance to kill the monster....Now to The next Lovely Event.....so I'm inside getting my wits about me and trying to relax when the kids keep pounding the toy box lid on the front porch against the wall so I go out there to see what the heck and notice that the toy box (a wicker box) is too close to the house so the lid can't fall back and stay open so the brilliant problem solver I am I decided to grab the top of the box and pull it away from the house so that the lid could fall back and stay open....you see this one coming right.....well the lid with it's snazzy little BRASS latch slammed down on my hand...luckily no broken bones and I still have use of my right hand...thank goodness I was spared not having to explain this one in the emergency room......Now for Round Three...so poochy got out of the house and for the third time I have to walk up to mom and dads and bring her back...well my dear sweet daughter Wanani calls me as I'm walking up the hill and my brain switches to our conversation and leaves my legs to make it on there own...well many of you know mom and dad have CEMENT stairs in their front yard and did I mention my brain was not paying attention...so as I'm talking to Wanani my foot did not clear the first step so imagine a Heff-a-lump in slow motion falling UP the stairs...NOT a pretty sight. But get this I never let the phone go...no almost knocked my teeth out but by golly I kept that phone smashed against my ear. Well Wanani laughed her self stupid because she heard the whole thing go down...I limped to the porch and assessed the damages and yes that is going to leave a mark. At this point I figure I should probably wrap myself in bubble wrap and take the rest of the day easy....and so it was until....THIS MORNING.....so Winter says in her cute little girl voice "Grandma can we turn on the smelly candle" why of course sweetheart I say. Then she asked if she could "light the fire stick" (cute right) well in my best wise ol Grandma voice I tell her "Oh no sissy, only Grandma and grown ups can light matches because it's dangerous" then I proceed to take the wooden match out of the box, strike it along the black strip on the side of the box and wha-la fire! ONLY the stick was not on fire but my finger was!....the top of the match stuck to my finger and when it light it was burning into my finger .....AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....so now I have a really awesome sulfur burn on my finger!

Hey what can I say....I'm just here for the entertainment.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Poo Poo Platter of a Day

Well today is a funky day, it shouldn't be, the weather is cool warm with a slight breeze and the sky is clear. There is food in the fridge and my health is good. Ala is working hard and the girls are all as spunky and beautiful as ever.

Oh hummm, maybe it's the comming of fall, maybe it's the desire to find a place to hibernate. Some times I'd just like to pull the covers over my head and just sleep for a month. But alas, life just doesn't work that way.

So as not to sound too darn depressing, what up FAM! Howz it goin!

I gave Pooch a hair cut and cliped her ear, felt bad about that one. Since Dad is getting a little unerved about her barking all the time so she is once again living with me again. But we are kinda of the same now, wrinkly, fat, and a little scared from all the scraps in our life. Maybe some one should give me a good shave......hahahahahaha

TRT cabbage!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday monday..la,la,,la,,la,,la

O.k. so it tiz Monday, hooray for the team!

The weekend was nice and restfull since last weekend Ala and I kicked butt cleaning my shed. Friday we invited Lane and Julie and Fam down for movie night then Saturday just sat around visited, Ala did scrapbooking. Then Sunday went to church and I have a new calling "Assistant to the Activities Director" which is perfect for me and my crazy schedule. Church was awesome and I finished the book by Sheri Dew "God Wants A Powerful People" it was a great book, thanks for letting me borrow it Kalia. So now I'm waiting for another great book to read!

Oh by the way did I mention what a McHottie Vin Deisel is in his new movie. This is a total guy and girl flic totally. A must see rating! The "Rock" Duane Johnson needs to take notes and beef back up to his normal girthy big man size he is way to skinny now.

The diet is going good, I haven't weighed in yet this week but I have been watching what I eat and believe it or not I am still off the soda and I have been doing the treadmill evey night for 30 minutes. I figured at this age I better decide to get fit or accept being chunky.

I am uploading one of my favorite videos I hope you enjoy it, it will put a smile on your face.

Friday, September 5, 2008


O tay! it's Friday and I'm not quiet sure why I'm so excited as my days now are all the same but I guess old habits die hard. I told Ala that I definitely need to go into town this weekend to get out of the house...maybe see the new Vin Diesel movie....yea baby.

I love this blog thing, I check every ones blog everyday to see whats new in your world and it saves on phone charges so plus plus for me.

Anita I cannot believe how big the babies are getting I miss them so very much. Hey my heart goes out to you on the loss of your Grandmother. I lost my 96 year old Grandmother a few years back and it turned my world upside down for awhile. But they are back with loved ones and living the life they once had free from old bodies and limits. I wish I could be there for Kaleos B-day, please give him a big birthday hug for me.

Ihi, you are my peeps. Thank you so much for the sweet things you said on your blog, and yes I'm a big goober and I did cry. The feeling is mutual, I have four beautiful daughters who are talented, kind, driven, intelligent and funny.

So Wanani cut her hair and I can't wait to see what it looks like!

Kalia has found another great book that she is reading that she is going to share with us all when she's finished.

Ala is working two jobs and has a 2,5,10 year goal plan and no doubt she is going to accomplish everything she has put her mind to.

Oh my gosh, Dad killed a huge gila monster the other day, those things are so lethal. Pooch was barking and me and mom and the girls where screaming and dad came with the shovel and killed it. So that makes it 3 rattlesnakes, 1 gila monster, 2 centipedes and 1 scorpion so far out here in the wilderness.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Me and Winter

Winter is sitting in my lap and wants to write a few lines--


She is so excited and said look at our work, we are working hard grandma.

Well, hit the treadmill last night, yea for me and doing pretty good on the food front, haven't weighed for a few days hoping that I'll be surpised at all the lbs that are just melting off....yea right.

I visited Tafi's blog and oh my gosh all those photos they really make me miss the place. I hope we can all go back and visit some day. Maybe find me a MAN hidding behind a banana tree!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Soooo Quiet

Well all the fam took off today. It was so nice having eveyone here, good fun, lots of food and plenty laughs. I love my family!

Me, Aydin and Winter and just sittin here picking our teeth, no literaly. Aydin found my toothpicks and has decided to do a full inspection on our teeth.

On the good health kick I have lost 10 lbs and have not had a soda pop for 2 weeks. And let me tell you it was really hard with all the family here and Tau's good cooking, I even made a peach pie and am currently still resisting the call to gobble down a few mouth fulls. And now that the treadmill is back into the house and Ala is on my tail I am sure I will walk a mile or two everyday.

I'm currently reading God Wants a Powerful People, by Sherri Dew she is awesome. Now that the Twilight Series is done I now have to find a new book to read, any suggestions and no Kalia I don't want to read any UFC autobiographies but hey thanks for the offer. I need VAmps and Mystery and of course Romance!

Well onward forward!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

In the beginning there was light!

Hello my Familia!

First I love you all, and this means all you who know me and call me Mamasita.

I sit out here in the boonies watching the grasshoppers, rattlesnakes and havalinas and remember all the good times and how much you all mean to me. No, I don't have a foot in the grave just a little more time than I am used to to truly reflect on the great and wonderful things that are really important to the life force that keeps me happy and going everyday.

I want this blog to really give everyone a good view of what goes on behind my white gooyes (eyeballs) just promise not to call the guys in the white coates to haul me off to the looney bin.

O.k, so love to hear from my peeps, wwwwooooooorrrrrddddddddddd!