Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh the wonderful world of computer problems

So about four days ago I went to log onto the internet and couldn't, then after multiple calls to the verizon tech support I was told that my v-card was not responding and that I would need a new one....and OF COURSE the warranty expired last month...go figure. So I had to buy another one which extended the contract out another year OF COURSE. So finally I am back into the swing of things....they do have a rebate offer but OF COURSE it is going to take upto six weeks to get it back.

On another note, I am so excited it it is almost Thanksgiving and I'll get to see family and have lots of laughs and hugs.


~Edney loves Jubilee~ said...

ohhh, aunty no wonde why you were behind on the world of blog for the first time, huh?? but I am glad you made it through, and with the rebate I totally agree with you on that. I am happy that you have a new card now so I can be familiar with what is going on in your little world. I love you and please give Aydin a birthday hug for you Aunty

kkalama said...

Computer problems... Could there be anything more frustrating! I'm sorry Momma. I love you!